Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook 7th Edition

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Now in a fully updated seventh edition, Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook PDF is one of The Best Veterinary Books Online and remains the most complete source of drug information relevant for animals available. Plumbs Vet Drug Handbook Pdf Provides referenced dosing recommendations in each monograph, this book offers doses for a wide range of species, including dogs, cats, exotic animals, and farm animals, in a single resource. The book also includes detail on key aspects for appropriate use of each drug, including pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, contraindications, adverse effects, safety during pregnancy or nursing, overdoses, drug interactions, monitoring, chemistry and stability, storage, compatibility, and available products. The seventh edition adds 22 new drug monographs, as well as updated dosages and information for existing drugs. A noteworthy feature is the Prescriber Highlights section found at the beginning of each monograph that allows readers a quick method of finding important information for that drug.